How to remove a Service Principal from all Power BI workspaces in one go

In addition to adding a Service Principal to all Power BI workspaces, it is also useful to have a script for removing, right 😃?

Check out the RemoveServicePrincipalFromPowerBIWorkspaces.ps1 gist on GitHub. It’s also framed below (same script).

Script details

This script will prompt for the (correct) ObjectId of the Service Principal (the one from “Enterprise applications” in Azure Active Directory), and it will prompt for the credentials of a Power BI Service Administrator.

Before you run the script, you can specify:

  • If you want the Service Principal to be removed from workspaces in shared or premium capacity or both.

Important notes/disclaimers

Before running this script, make sure you read this first:

  • Note: this script only works with v2 workspaces (you can’t add a Service Principal to a v1 workspace).
# =================================================================================================================================================
## This script will remove the given Service Principal from Power BI workspaces
## It will first ask for the (correct) ObjectId of the Service Principal
## Then it will ask for the credentials of a Power BI Service Administrator
# =================================================================================================================================================
## Parameters
# Remove the Service Principal from workspaces that are in Premium capacity?
$RemoveFromPremiumCapacityWorkspaces = $true
# Remove the Service Principal from workspaces that are in shared capacity?
$RemoveFromSharedCapacityWorkspaces = $true
# =================================================================================================================================================
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
Write-Host "
__ ___ __ ___ __ _
/ |/ /___ ___/ /___ ____ ___ / _ \ ___ _ / /_ ___ _ ___ _ (_)
/ /|_/ // _ \/ _ // -_)/ __// _ \ / // // _ '// __// _ '/_ / _ '// /
/_/ /_/ \___/\_,_/ \__//_/ /_//_//____/ \_,_/ \__/ \_,_/(_)\_,_//_/
___ ___ _ _ __
/ _ \ ___ _ _ __ ___ / _ \ __ __ (_) (_)/ /_ ___ ____
/ // // _ '/| |/ // -_) / , _// // // / / // __// -_)/ __/
/____/ \_,_/ |___/ \__/ /_/|_| \_,_//_/__/ / \__/ \__//_/
#IMPORTANT: you need the correct ObjectId of the Service Principal
$PowerBIServicePrincipalObjectId = Read-Host -Prompt 'Specify ObjectId of Service Principal (find this in the "Enterprise applications" in Azure Active Directory)'
if ($PowerBIServicePrincipalObjectId) {
# Connecting to Power BI (this will prompt for credentials, use an account that has the Power BI admin role!)
Write-Host "`Connecting to Power BI (this will prompt for credentials, use an account that has the Power BI admin role!)..."
# Keep track of all the workspaces that we 'touch'
$listofworkspaces = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
# Get all workspaces (and filter to only v2 workspaces)
Write-Host "Retrieving workspaces..."
$AllV2Workspaces = Get-PowerBIWorkspace -All -Scope Organization -Include All | Where-Object { $_.Type -eq "Workspace" -and `
( `
($_.IsOnDedicatedCapacity -eq $True -and $RemoveFromPremiumCapacityWorkspaces -eq $true) `
-or ($_.IsOnDedicatedCapacity -eq $False -and $RemoveFromSharedCapacityWorkspaces -eq $true) `
) `
-and $_.Users.Identifier -eq $PowerBIServicePrincipalObjectId `
Write-Host "=================================================================================================================================="
# Check if there are workspaces to work with
if ($AllV2Workspaces)
Write-Host "Found $($AllV2Workspaces.Count) workspaces..."
# Warn if there are more than 200 workspaces, as this might trigger API thresholds
if ($AllV2Workspaces.Count -ge 200)
Write-Warning "Found 200 workspaces or more. This might trigger the thresholds of the Power BI REST API."
# Remove the Service Principal from workspaces
$AllV2Workspaces | ForEach-Object {
Write-Host "=================================================================================================================================="
$WorkspaceName = $_.Name
$WorkspaceId = $_.Id
Write-Host "Found workspace: $WorkspaceName."
# Track this workspace
$listofworkspaces += $WorkspaceName
# Check if Service Principal is in the workspace
$ServicePrincipalInWorkspace = $_.Users | Where-Object {$_.Identifier -eq $PowerBIServicePrincipalObjectId}
if ($ServicePrincipalInWorkspace)
Write-Host "Service Principal is a member of: $WorkspaceName, with role type $($ServicePrincipalInWorkspace.AccessRight)."
# Remove Service Principal
Write-Host "Removing Service Principal from workspace..." -ForegroundColor DarkCyan
# Call the REST API (updating a role type is not a native cmdlet in the module)
try {
Invoke-PowerBIRestMethod -Method Delete -Url "admin/groups/$WorkspaceId/users/$PowerBIServicePrincipalObjectId"
Write-Host "Done."
catch {
Resolve-PowerBIError -Last
else {
Write-Host "Service Principal is not a member of: $WorkspaceName."
Write-Host "=================================================================================================================================="
# Report the tracked list of workspaces
Write-Host "List of workspaces we checked during the script:"
else {
Write-Warning "No workspaces that contain the Service Principal!"
else {
Write-Error "No ObjectId provided for the Service Principal!"
Write-Host "`nScript finished."

Pass the sauce

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